For the Newbies!
A friend of mine asked if I could do a blog entry to help Newbies in SL. I said "hang yes!" because I remembered my first few months in SL and how confusing the place could be.
I also hear a LOT of people complaining in SL about their lack of funds and how impossible it is to get a decent looking avi without tons of Lindens (currency in SL). Well, to them I say "Pfffft!" Harsh words, I know. Today I am going to show you how easy it is to look great in SL for next to nothing. I am going to PIMP MY NEWBIE!
I created an avatar named Riley. I chose that name so that Riley could be a boy or a girl. Here is Riley just minutes into life in SL.
Today, Riley is going to get a new shape, hair, clothes and shoes. We will attempt to make a male and a female Riley so that both boys and girls can use this. We will also get Riley an AO (Animation Override - to give Riley a walk that doesn't look like a duck).
Let's begin!
My first stop on our epic journey was at a store named Pretty Lady, which offers a package for girl Avatars under 30 days old. You just touch the box shown in the picture and accept all the items. To find them, you go into your inventory and they should show up as boxes. We will unpack these later.
Next on the tour is Ivalde which has this awesome package for girl avatars under 30 days! Thanks, Ivalde! Next to this board is a Lucky Chair. If it has the letter of your first name on it, right click and sit on the chair and accept the prize it gives you. Watch out for these chairs, as they are a great source of clothing and are all over SL.
Time to get a shape so follow me to Body Doubles where they have a free package for boys and girls.
But wait...there is more! Pays to grab a few things and decide what you like, so we will keep grabbing shapes and skins at Vignette at a place called In Her Body. Don't let the name fool you as they have stuff for the boys here too. And while you are there wander into Hair@Vignette, because that is all free too!
After that we are off to grab shoes at In Her Shoes which is on the same sim. I am giving you the link as it is easier than explaining the doors! Needed a break while I grabbed all the awesome shoes here. Nice to take a load off!
But, no rest for the Newbie, so once you have grabbed all the shoes you want we are off to Peppermint Blue. This place is a one stop shop for all your newbie needs. Some great clothes, shapes, shoes, jewellery, swimwear etc for boys and girls. There is even costumes upstairs if you so require them.

Ok, time to drag yourself away and run to the Gnubie Store. The name says it all. This store is great because some awesome designers in SL have put their wares in here, just for you! I know! So nice! Climb the stairs into the store and enjoy! Just be aware that there are a fair few floors in this store, so you could be here a while. Some items are 1L so, if you are money-free, be aware.
Worn out yet? Lots to learn and think about, right? Don't worry. It gets easier. Ok, time to skip to LaPointe and Bastchild. Follow the red arrow on landing, or ask for directions to the Freebie ares. They have helpful assistants there to....well...assist you! I even met another noob while I was there. Not chatty though. =)
Now we head off to FabFree HQ and, if you are going to join any group in SL, this is the one! Tons of help for newbies like Riley and loads of free stuff delivered to your door. However, they also have a store and it is a MUST SEE on our tour. To join the group, touch the green FabFree sign and then click on the link that come up. You do this by opening your chat box and clicking on the highlighted link in local chat.
One more stop. We need an AO. We get these from Long Awkward Pose. One for boys and girls under 30 days old. Easy!
Ok. That is enough for now. I will just give you one more tip: bookmark this blog because I will guide you to new freebies and cheapies EVERY DAY!
And now for the pics of the new pimped up Riley as a girl and as a boy!
Riley: Female
Hair: Philotic Energy - Fern Mochachino (@ FabFree HQ)
Shape: Body Doubles - Valentine Lotus
Skin: Glamorize - Tiffany2 for FabFree (@ FabFree HQ)
Eyes: Tea Lane - SYD Green Eyes (In Fabfree Full Avatar Kit @ FabFree HQ)
Outfit: Ivalde - Pia Black Pants Set
Shoes: Ivalde - Black Pumps
Riley: Male
Hair: Philotic Energy - Enda II Mochachino (@ FabFree HQ)
Shape: Body Doubles - Be My Valentine Male
Skin: Glamorize -Alexander for FabFree (@ FabFree HQ)
Eyes: KMadd - Eyes Awake - Moss (@ FabFree HQ)
Outfit: Bryce Designs - Demins and RedStar Tee (@ FabFree HQ)
Shoes: Truth - Iggy Shoe (@ Gnubie Store)
Total Cost of both avatars = 0L. Yah!!
I also hear a LOT of people complaining in SL about their lack of funds and how impossible it is to get a decent looking avi without tons of Lindens (currency in SL). Well, to them I say "Pfffft!" Harsh words, I know. Today I am going to show you how easy it is to look great in SL for next to nothing. I am going to PIMP MY NEWBIE!
I created an avatar named Riley. I chose that name so that Riley could be a boy or a girl. Here is Riley just minutes into life in SL.

Let's begin!
My first stop on our epic journey was at a store named Pretty Lady, which offers a package for girl Avatars under 30 days old. You just touch the box shown in the picture and accept all the items. To find them, you go into your inventory and they should show up as boxes. We will unpack these later.

Ok, time to drag yourself away and run to the Gnubie Store. The name says it all. This store is great because some awesome designers in SL have put their wares in here, just for you! I know! So nice! Climb the stairs into the store and enjoy! Just be aware that there are a fair few floors in this store, so you could be here a while. Some items are 1L so, if you are money-free, be aware.

And now for the pics of the new pimped up Riley as a girl and as a boy!
Riley: Female
Hair: Philotic Energy - Fern Mochachino (@ FabFree HQ)
Shape: Body Doubles - Valentine Lotus
Skin: Glamorize - Tiffany2 for FabFree (@ FabFree HQ)
Eyes: Tea Lane - SYD Green Eyes (In Fabfree Full Avatar Kit @ FabFree HQ)
Outfit: Ivalde - Pia Black Pants Set
Shoes: Ivalde - Black Pumps

Hair: Philotic Energy - Enda II Mochachino (@ FabFree HQ)
Shape: Body Doubles - Be My Valentine Male
Skin: Glamorize -Alexander for FabFree (@ FabFree HQ)
Eyes: KMadd - Eyes Awake - Moss (@ FabFree HQ)
Outfit: Bryce Designs - Demins and RedStar Tee (@ FabFree HQ)
Shoes: Truth - Iggy Shoe (@ Gnubie Store)

that is absolutely fanatastic Arya, whoo hoo, send all noobs to this blog, its all they need.