Monday, Monday!

Mixture of items today. In fact, to get these items I had to subscribe to a group, chase a dog, be in a group and grab a Monday freebie. Just another day in SL. =)

The hair I am wearing is from Damselfly and is called Whiskey Russet Glow. Not free, but gorgeous.

Pic 1:
Dress: LVs & Co - Mardi Gras Princess (Subscribo Gift)

Pic 2:
Dress: LVs and Co - Hoodie Dress (Find Bob the dog on the sim and find the dress!)

Pic 3:
Outfit: Woodenhanger - Freedom (New store and gave gift in Fashion R Us Group)

Pic 4:
Outfit: Little Britain - Neko (Monday Freebie - available all week in store)


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