A New Beginning
I got the new Beta Viewer today and I am still coming to grips with it. Took me two days to work out how to add a LM to a notecard. Still, I am persevering because the new viewer has some great new features too. One is the ability for designers to add invisible layers to items. Today I have two things that showcase that, but you will only be able to grab and see them if you have the new viewer, so be aware.
Will be exciting to see how designers can use these features to make their awesome clothes, skins etc ever more awesomer (Arya word)!
Gonna be fun using new viewer for pics today! Please excuse worse pics than usual, cos I am still learning how to drive this thing.
Pic 1:
Head Tattoo Layer: DollyRock - TigerFace (0L) - you can see if goes over my normal skin.
Hair: KC Hair - Mab - Rose (New Hair - Review Copy)
Pics 2-6:
Makeups: LeLutka - Makeup 1-5 (Group Gift)

Pic 7-11:
Eyes: MJ and Dada - Cabbage Eyes (0L) Black Onyx, Cats Eyes Black, Pink Sapphire, Smoky Quartz, Tiger's Eyes

Pic 12:
Outfit: Edge Designs - I'm Hott (10L)
Hair: KC Hair - Marina Onyx (New Item - Review Copy)
Pic 13:
Outfit: Steambound - Nada - Iran (0L)
Pic 14:
Outfit: GryphonWings - Brown Patchy Pants Reg Rise and Silky Halter (5L for these and next items in bag)
Pic 15:
Outfit: GryphonWings - Brown Patchy Pants Low Rise and Charm Bandeau (5L for these and above items in bag)
Pic 16:
Outfit: Ho Wear -Toxic Lace (25L)
Pic 17:
Top: GryphonWings - Feather Top Green Gold (8L)
Pic 18:
Boots: GryphonWings - Stomp Boots Grunge (Lucky Chair)
Will be exciting to see how designers can use these features to make their awesome clothes, skins etc ever more awesomer (Arya word)!
Gonna be fun using new viewer for pics today! Please excuse worse pics than usual, cos I am still learning how to drive this thing.
Pic 1:
Head Tattoo Layer: DollyRock - TigerFace (0L) - you can see if goes over my normal skin.
Hair: KC Hair - Mab - Rose (New Hair - Review Copy)

Makeups: LeLutka - Makeup 1-5 (Group Gift)

Pic 7-11:
Eyes: MJ and Dada - Cabbage Eyes (0L) Black Onyx, Cats Eyes Black, Pink Sapphire, Smoky Quartz, Tiger's Eyes

Outfit: Edge Designs - I'm Hott (10L)
Hair: KC Hair - Marina Onyx (New Item - Review Copy)

Outfit: Steambound - Nada - Iran (0L)

Outfit: GryphonWings - Brown Patchy Pants Reg Rise and Silky Halter (5L for these and next items in bag)

Outfit: GryphonWings - Brown Patchy Pants Low Rise and Charm Bandeau (5L for these and above items in bag)

Outfit: Ho Wear -Toxic Lace (25L)

Top: GryphonWings - Feather Top Green Gold (8L)

Boots: GryphonWings - Stomp Boots Grunge (Lucky Chair)

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