As a kid, I'd wake up excitedly every Saturday morning and run down the stairs to turn on the television. One of my favorite cartoons to watch was X-Men! Who was my favorite character? The one and only Cyclops. Cyclops was the team leader and he got to be with the smoking hot Jean Grey :) When I saw that Flavor! Designs had an outfit that looked similar to Cyclops from the X-men I didn't hesitate to slap that MM board! Now, excuse me while I nerd around SL reliving my childhood dream of being a superhero. lol
Pic 1:
Outfit: Flavor! - Fallout Full Outfit Yellow (MM Board)
Shirt: Equilibrium - Guitar Hero (Gift 0L)
Jeans: Equilibrium- Blue pants Open (MM Board)
Shirt: Flavor! - Karnal Oxford Bio Blue (0L)
Shirt: Balani- Blow Me (XXX Hunt)
Shorts: Robbish - Summer Denim (June Group Gift)
Shirt: Balani- Well Hung (XXX Hunt)
Shirt: Balani- Blow Me 2 (XXX Hunt)
Outfit: Balani - Balani's Hooded Shirt (0L)
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