Not the Usual
I love the macabre. This is strange because I don't even watch horror movies, but SL let's me air out the dark and strange side of myself in relative safety.
Today is the culmination of two hunts and a lot of other bits and pieces I collected along the way. The hunts are: The Crazy Arse Hair Hunt II and The Addiction Hunt. I haven't quite finished the Hair Hunt, but I had to start showing you what I have got so far. I loved both of these hunts and am excited to show you the wares.
I decided that today's items would be perfect set against the background of Gloomy Creek.
It is also a great time to pull out my 'interesting' skin collection...
Pic 1:
Hair: Discord Designs - Aeshna - Snakeskin (CAHH2)
Outfit: Rotten Toe - Nekrotic Dress - Green (15L)
Skin: Skinthesis - Addiction Hunt - Female (TAH)
Pose: KIX - Model Pose 03 (Preview Copy - Hot off the Press!)
Pic 2:
Hair: ChiChickie - ChakraLier (CAHH2)
Dress: Nadas - Summer MaxiDress - White (Past Freebie of the Day)
Pic 3:
Hair: DarkerSide -Spider Attack - Black and White (CAHH2)
Gown: Evie's Closet - Jupiter (Lucky Board)
Skin: MFP and MVP Designs - Addiction Hunt (TAH)
Pic 4:
Hair: NeVerMind - Sinister Spider - Vamp (CAHH2)
Gown: Kouse's Sanctum - Skye - Midnight Rose (Fabulous Fashion TV Studio 0L)
Pic 5:
Hair: [La Boheme Hair] - Ophelia (CAHH2)
Dress: Donna Flora - Natasha (Fabulous Fashion TV Studio 0L)
Pic 6:
Hair: Skinthesis - It's Alive (CAHH2)
Gown: Tres Beau - Stylin' (Fabulous Fashion TV Studio 0L)
Skin: [Mah Poor Quality] - Hard Long Night Skin (TAH)
Pic 7:
Hair: Rotten Toe - Psychodelia - Black (CAHH2)
Top: Ducknipple - Dot - Blue (TAH)
Pants: The Stringer Mausoleum - Unisec Latex Pants - Circles (Lucky Board)
Pic 8:
Hair: W.Winx - ICU - Gold (CAHH2)
Outfit: AlaFolie - Manon (TAH)
Pic 9:
Hair: BC322 - Skull and Bone - Sweets Pine Pink (CAHH2)
Outfit: Cynful - Addicted to Pink (TAH)
Accessories: Virtual Insanity - Addict Cigarette and Addicted Armband (TAH)
Pic 10:
Hair: [Bizarre Hair] - Devilish (CAHH2)
Dress: Sassy Kitty - Sexy Addiction Dress (TAH)
Skin: [III] - Addicted to Skins (TAH)
Pose: KIX - Pose 5 (Preview Copy - Hot off the Press!)
Today is the culmination of two hunts and a lot of other bits and pieces I collected along the way. The hunts are: The Crazy Arse Hair Hunt II and The Addiction Hunt. I haven't quite finished the Hair Hunt, but I had to start showing you what I have got so far. I loved both of these hunts and am excited to show you the wares.
I decided that today's items would be perfect set against the background of Gloomy Creek.
It is also a great time to pull out my 'interesting' skin collection...
Pic 1:
Hair: Discord Designs - Aeshna - Snakeskin (CAHH2)
Outfit: Rotten Toe - Nekrotic Dress - Green (15L)
Skin: Skinthesis - Addiction Hunt - Female (TAH)
Pose: KIX - Model Pose 03 (Preview Copy - Hot off the Press!)

Hair: ChiChickie - ChakraLier (CAHH2)
Dress: Nadas - Summer MaxiDress - White (Past Freebie of the Day)

Hair: DarkerSide -Spider Attack - Black and White (CAHH2)
Gown: Evie's Closet - Jupiter (Lucky Board)
Skin: MFP and MVP Designs - Addiction Hunt (TAH)

Hair: NeVerMind - Sinister Spider - Vamp (CAHH2)
Gown: Kouse's Sanctum - Skye - Midnight Rose (Fabulous Fashion TV Studio 0L)

Hair: [La Boheme Hair] - Ophelia (CAHH2)
Dress: Donna Flora - Natasha (Fabulous Fashion TV Studio 0L)

Hair: Skinthesis - It's Alive (CAHH2)
Gown: Tres Beau - Stylin' (Fabulous Fashion TV Studio 0L)
Skin: [Mah Poor Quality] - Hard Long Night Skin (TAH)

Hair: Rotten Toe - Psychodelia - Black (CAHH2)
Top: Ducknipple - Dot - Blue (TAH)
Pants: The Stringer Mausoleum - Unisec Latex Pants - Circles (Lucky Board)

Hair: W.Winx - ICU - Gold (CAHH2)
Outfit: AlaFolie - Manon (TAH)

Hair: BC322 - Skull and Bone - Sweets Pine Pink (CAHH2)
Outfit: Cynful - Addicted to Pink (TAH)
Accessories: Virtual Insanity - Addict Cigarette and Addicted Armband (TAH)

Hair: [Bizarre Hair] - Devilish (CAHH2)
Dress: Sassy Kitty - Sexy Addiction Dress (TAH)
Skin: [III] - Addicted to Skins (TAH)
Pose: KIX - Pose 5 (Preview Copy - Hot off the Press!)

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