Happy Huntin'
It's true, Arya and I are hardcore hunters. We don't play, homie! While Arya was DJing last night, she IMed me to ask what I was doing. Well, I was preparing for the Needle In a Haystack Hunt. I told Arya these are some things I do to prepare: take a nice lil' nap, do some stretches and push ups, drink a few raw eggs, and run up the stairs in front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art while "Eye of the Tiger" plays in the background. You know, simple things like that. :)
Also, I was glad to see a few stores in this hunt had the guys in mind. Usually I'll whine to Arya, "This hunt makes me sad", but I came out with a few goodies!
Pic 1:
Hair: Cheerno @ TDR - Survivor Hair (70L)
*Includes goggles and available for a week only.*
Tank: Redneck from Hell- VIP Male Tank (Group Gift)
Shorts: SF Design - Checked Shorts (August Gift 0L)
* Shorts come with prim belt not shown in picture*
Pic 2:
Outfit: RottenDefiance - Needle in a Haystack (NIAH Gift)
Pic 3:
Shirt: *CB* - Attention Whore Shirt (NIAH Gift)
Pic 4:
Outfit: Equilibrium- NIAH prize (NIAH Gift)
Pic 5:
Pose: {P.S. PoseWorks} - Tease Me (NIAH Gift)
*Check out the store, it has very sexy and fun poses!*
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