When I was younger, I had mixed feelings about the last day of July. I was totally excited because my birthday in August was coming up and that meant gifts as well as an excuse for a party! However, it also meant I had one month of summer left and I'd have to go back to school, boo!
I feel like everything has been an entire rush this summer. With one month left, I ask myself, "did I get to do everything I wanted?"
Although these days I wouldn't mind if my birthday was a bit further away. :P
By the way, I was with Arya at the Aqua party last night and learned a very valuable lesson: Do Not Invite Arya to Trivia Parties or Partner with Arya in Trivia Games.
I warn you all, she is this big cognitive mass of random knowledge.
Pic 1:
Outfit:*MLC*- High Maintenance Set (Group Gift)
Pic 2:
Top: Champagne! - (C)OMGold! Man Top (0L)
Jeans: *MLC* - Luscious Man Low Cut Jeans (Group Gift)
Pic 3:
Tattoo: Demise - Magnolia (Group Gift)
Top: Demise - Gilet (Group Gift)
Pic 4L
Jacket: Demise - Vintage Leather Jacket White (Group Gift)
Pic 5:
Top: StyleExtrem- SE Shirt 3/CamisaXadrez Roxa (1L)
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