"Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snooooowwwww!"
It's snowing here in New York and now it officially feels like the holidays. I've started my Christmas gift shopping a couple of days ago (burning that plastic!) and I still have to finish my shopping in SL too. This is my first Christmas in Second Life and man, it's hard to come up with gift ideas. What do people want? What can I give to someone who has already been in Second Life longer than I have and seems to have everything?
The best way to start brain storming for gift ideas, is by doing a hunt and looking around the stores.
Pic 1:
Gingerbread House: Intrigue Co. - Gingerbread House ( "Happy Holidays From..." Hunt 10L)
The best way to start brain storming for gift ideas, is by doing a hunt and looking around the stores.
Pic 1:
Gingerbread House: Intrigue Co. - Gingerbread House ( "Happy Holidays From..." Hunt 10L)

Pic 3:
Hat: Concrete Flowers - Sarsons Bobble Hat (AVDC Hunt #9)
Outfit: LaRosa - LaRosa New Winter Collection Menswear (Advent #10)

Pic 6:
Hat and Hair: Madesign/Kmadd - Booth Dark Blonde VII (AVDC Hunt #11)
Tank and Jeans: Miu - Splatter Skull U-Shirt/ Bastard Oil Jeans (AVDC Hunt #49)
Hat and Hair: Madesign/Kmadd - Booth Dark Blonde VII (AVDC Hunt #11)
Tank and Jeans: Miu - Splatter Skull U-Shirt/ Bastard Oil Jeans (AVDC Hunt #49)

Pic 8:
Hair base: Birth - Unisex tintable hairbase , blonde (AVDC Hunt #41)
*Also includes Brown and Neon Red*
Hair base: Birth - Unisex tintable hairbase , blonde (AVDC Hunt #41)
*Also includes Brown and Neon Red*

Pic 9:
Hair: Anaphora - Bro_Bole (AVDC Hunt #29)
*Also comes in Green and Red for the holiday season!*
Hair: Anaphora - Bro_Bole (AVDC Hunt #29)
*Also comes in Green and Red for the holiday season!*

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