Pro Posers Hunt Part 5

Oh, guess what? The Pro Posers Hunt starts tomorrow! Remember to join the ProPosers Group before you start and visit their official page HERE.
"My body stay vicious, I be up in the gym, Just be workin' on my fitness."
That's what you'll be singing in the poses created by HopScotch called, "Warm Up."
There are nine single poses in all!

Olive Juice has four couples poses in their hunt gift. This one is called, "Daydreams".
The poses are all unisex, so it's very versatile.
As I stated yesterday, I'm posting the furniture that are in this hunt.
PNP (Props -N-Poses) is offering a wide variety as their hunt gift: an antique lamp post, a couples wikker pappazan, and a single wikker chair. They also include all these items in an assortment colors!

Lyndz-Matic is offering a beautifully detailed bistro chair during the hunt. The poses are menu driven, so it's easy to access and control the options. Again, poses are unisex and it's a great piece of furniture to add into your inventory.

Hela had fun with this ottoman provided by NLimbo Poses. She is just showing you three of the poses this ottman contains. It's great for the studio or even just in your own home.
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