You all know I love RoTtEn DeFiAnCe, right? Well, I was jumping for joy when I got the pics of these amazing limited edition items!
Rogue says, "Only 6 of each will be sold, 30 TOTAL, so get them while you can, because then they will be gone for......ev.........er".
These are remods of one of my fav RD items, the Mad Hatters! Just when you thought they couldn't get better, they got bloodier! YAY!
Here they are, so don't dilly-dally drinking cups of tea, or you will be late, for this very important date!

Rogue says, "Only 6 of each will be sold, 30 TOTAL, so get them while you can, because then they will be gone for......ev.........er".
These are remods of one of my fav RD items, the Mad Hatters! Just when you thought they couldn't get better, they got bloodier! YAY!
Here they are, so don't dilly-dally drinking cups of tea, or you will be late, for this very important date!

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