
Wipster from SL House and Garden Group just said in group chat, " I just wish the Home Expo 2011 would never end. There is so much to see and so little time!"

I agree, and thanks for letting me use that quote!

It came at a perfect time as I was doing these pics and thinking about the Expo. I have barely scraped the surface of what I have seen.

I am going to show you a few pics of the newest home offering from {what next}. I know they have been working on this cottage for a while now and it shows! It is so lovely!

I also missed showing you one Lazy Sunday item from Havana Nights, so please excuse me for messing up the decor with my presence! I will say the colour of the dress went well with the colours of the house, so it wasn't all bad! Dress comes in different colours so go grab.

There will be more pics to come of this house until I have done raving, so be warned.

House: Laurel Cottage and Furniture (Sold separately @ Home and Garden Expo)


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