Feelin' Grey

Bad day. RL sucks. 'Nuff said.

Lucky I can escape reality and go shopping!  Yay.  Today I had to show you this GORGEOUS dress from Azul that is the latest Group Gift.  I may never take it off.  Well, at least until my next pic shoot.

The single chair is from Tableau Vivant and is a gift in the ZombiePopcorn Hunt. I love the textures on it.

The chaise lounge is from {what next} and is available at the CHIC Birthday Venue.  It has tons of poses for singles and couples and is has a texture change function. Is lovely!

The skin is the latest group gift from YS & YS, and I am really liking it even though it is darker than I normally wear. 

My hair is Sandra from Truth and my shoes are from G*Field.


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