Post #1 - Home & Garden Market

I have soooo much to blog today, so rather than doing a mega post I have decided to split it into parts. I have no idea how many parts.  We will just have to wait and see.  With the amount of crashes I have had today, it may just be the one!

Post #1 is all about the Home & Garden Market who have moved to a new sim and it is looking FAB-U-LOUS.  They are having a HUGE grand opening, and on Saturday September 22nd from 5.30-6.30pm  HammerFla Magic will be performing LIVE.  So, bring a friend or loved one and head to the lovely new Home and Garden Market sim for some great music and dancing.

"A wonderful shopping experience for SL residents.  Wander around the Home and Garden Market Sim-Enduring dAlliez, a country-style shopping market and discover our talented Home & Garden Designers.   Monthly themes, sales, gifts, and new items await you here."

So, in honour of this event I am going to give you a taste of the stores and the sim.  I will NOT do them justice, so make sure you head on over and take a walk about yourself.


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