
Breakfast is one of my favourite meals.  Well, when I say breakfast I really mean brunch.  I love pancakes and bacon and hash browns etc etc etc.  As long as there is maple syrup I am happy.

This kitschy kitchen set is a great place to catch up on the news and a coffee.  The fridge, stove, table, window and shade, stools, bottle lights and winter candle are all from .:UR:. for The Challenge.

The funky rug is from StoraxTree.  It is the Simple Elegance Mesh Braided Rug with Seahorse Pattern.

The pancakes are from Kuro and are Santa's Breakfast. The coffee pot, orange juice, milk bottle, coffee mug tree, plate of toast and butter, and the pot plant are all from L'aize Dayz.

Pass the coffee please!


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