My sweater and earmuffs are from [SAKIDE] and come as a pair. They are Frozen Sweaters and come in a range of great colours. You can find these at the Oh My Gacha Event at Jersey Shore.
My stomping boots are from {PopTart} and I am wearing the Platform Chunk Boots in Pink with no wings. You can get the winged variety if you wish. These can be found at SL Fashion Week.
The tattoo I am styling are only just visible, but is the Rythmia Tattoo from GrungeInk. You can also grab this at FROST Fair.
And lastly, the piercings are from Cute Poison. They are called Agelast and I have blogged them before, but they were so cool I had to show you again.
Oh, and I hope you like the revamped blog layout. New Year, new style! Trying to keep it simple.
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