So Pretty

Today I have prettiness for you.  If you are thinking about a bedroom makeover and want something so lovely then I know exactly where you can find it. These bedroom pieces are not only gorgeous, but they will not break the bank so it makes them even better.

However, if you are thinking about running off today to grab them, then think again!  You will have to wait until the 23rd when The Collage opens for this month's round.  Ha!  Still, that gives you time to accumulate some pennies to grab them when they are available.

Head over to The Collage when it opens and you will find the Spargel & Shine area.  These 'Annie' items will all be there.  I love the features of the bed and dresser where you can 'rez' scenes.  The bed can be made, made with the tray (pictured), messy with pillows (see last photo) or just messy sleep.

The dresser does similar with various items able to be rezzed depending on your prim allowance.  Easy to do and saves you the hassle of rezzing and placing items.  And, with the bed and dresser, you can simply touch an item (e.g. the cup I am holding - see how the saucer is empty on the tray) and then attach it to yourself to go with the animation.  Sounds confusing, but it is not.  Fun and simple.

I will put the LM for The Collage out when it opens so you are not tempted!  Open now. TAXI HERE.

Hair:  Tameless - Yana (New Release)

 Pyjamas:  Buttery Toast - Blue Bunny PJs (New Store only on MP at moment - slippers not included)


  1. Awesome post!

    I love that bed too! Looks like you had a lot of fun.


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