From the Balcony

Post number two today is women's fashion and a cool pose prop.  Had fun hanging on this balcony and waving at all the people going by.  Ok, there was no one.  I was on my platform in the sky with no one for miles and miles.  Still, it is nice to dream that I have friends.

Hair:  TUKINOWAGUMA - Antje (On9)
Necklace and Earrings:  Zibska ~ Fabia (The 100 Block)
Dress:  8+ // Pretty Garden - Sunny (On9)
Bracelet:  HAYSURIZA_Bracelet_Floral - Silver (On9 Hunt Item)

Pose Prop:  Juxtapose - Bronx Balcony (The 100 Block)
Shoes:  :::ChicChica::: Dorothy Snow (On9)


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