Should Have Worn a Jacket

Ever feel under-dressed for something?  I did today.  The weird thing is I could have worn a jacket with this but chose to just go with the shirt and pants.  Not sure why.

Luckily in SL the cold is irrelevant.  Good that.

Sim:  It All Starts With a Smile.

Shirt and Pants: !BRAVURA Boite Noir! - Mix 'n Match Pants  Dark Navy and Mix 'n Match Shirt Grey (New Release)
Skin:  7 Deadly s{K}ins - Gabriel B5 Steam brow v1 SMOOTH
Pose:  Image Essentials -  Wander
Hair:  .:cheeky:.  Basti Hair! (Men Only Monthly)
Glasses:  //Mulloy - Dakko Glasses (MOM)
Necklace:  (luc) Halcyon Earth Bullet, Ancient Silver/Onyx (MOM)


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