Murky Day

The Men Only Monthly round comes to a close soon to get ready for the new round on the 20th so you still have a little time to get yourselves over the event to scoop up some great menswear items.

Today I found this great sim called New Babbage, which is a Steampunk sim, and they are all snowed up for winter.  Is a great wander around and my outfit was the perfect wear for the day.  Comfortable and stylish with a hint of winter look to it.  (Wow, that was almost fashion-mag in its description!).

Don't forget to race on over to MOM before these items return to their individual stores which takes a lot more work to cover the

PS:  Just realised it is my Rez Day.  Awesome guy in SL called Zak sends us rez day buttons and well wishes every year.  Awesome guy.

Outfit:  N-Uno - Daren Outfit (MOM)
Shoes:  = REBELLION = "KNOX" BOOTS (Not at MOM)
Pose:  Image Essentials - Smart Casual Set
Head:  Akeruka - Marco


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