Overdressed for the Pub

I know I am a tad overdressed for the pub but I am super excited to celebrate the return (after a one month hiatus) of the On9 event that starts, aptly, on the 9th!  Drinks are on me!  Nothing top shelf though and one drink per person.  Choose wisely.

In honour of this auspicious occasion I am going to give you a sneak peek of some exclusive On9 items.  Enjoy

Jewellery:  (Kunglers) Sabine - Rings and Earrings
Eye Makeup:  ::Slack Girl:: RoseGem Shadow
Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins - ZORA (Not at On9)

Dress and Cardigan:  [LAKSHMI] - Genet Outfit
Shoes:  Garbaggio // Heidi Pumps
Tattoo:  [White~Widow] Life - White


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