Get Your Motor Running

I was quietly excited when Arya let me take the lead on this photo shoot.  It is a pose prop she is promoting for On9 and she asked me to join in.  However, for some reason only SL will know, my avi stayed blue for her the whole time, whereas I had great resolution, so she let me use it for my post instead of hers!  Boom, baby!

I also told her that her oufit was hot and deserved to be seen and in these shots it can't be viewed in its full glory.  She agreed and here we are.  She said she will show off her garb next post so keep an eye out.

The pose prop is is from Q Poses and is called Harley Duo.  Has 5 couples poses and looks mighty fine.

Jacket:  OUTLIER.// Tactical Jacket & Hood - Black (Men Only Monthly)
Jeans:  OUTLIER.// 512s Jeans - LightBlue (MOM)
Hair:  lock&tuft - josh - fit 2 (MOM)
Skin:  7 Deadly Skins - Judas - Caramel (Skin Fair 2017)


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