Bit Chilly for a Dip

Sometimes that water can look amazing when the sun is beating down and there is a warm breeze, but it can be a trap for the unwary.  You race into the waves to find it is leg numbing and have to do the one-leg hop swap to get out.  This photo reminds me of that!

I am loving the citrusy colours I am wearing today.  Looks so summery.

Outfit:  MOoH! Aisha outfit soft (Designer Circle)
Hair:  Tameless - Rosella (Hair Fair 2017 - Red Shutters - Middle Left of Sim)
Necklace:  !Indulge Temptation! - Infinity Necklace (Designer Circle)
Tattoo:  .::Nanika::. Summer rain tattoo Henna (On9)
Pose:  Pose It-Bend (On9)
alaskametro - Miami Flipflops - Palm (On9)
Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins - Marigold omega FACE&BODY caramel


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