From Head to Toe
My Mama don't like it, the way I comb my hair,
Papa thinks I'm crazy, in the clothes I wear
It's a hit come on records and I play it all day
But I'm what I am and I'm gonna keep a rockin' that way
I'm a rockabilly rebel from head to toe
I gotta keep a-rockin' everywhere I go
Everybody join us, we're good company
Be a real cool cat, be a rockabilly rebel like me
I AM a Rockabilly Rebel from head to toe. I am ready for some rock and roll and more! You are, of course, ready for some fashion credits, so you can head off for some shopping. Wise move.
Boots: Wicca's Wardrobe - Tala Boots
Hair: [KoKoLoReS] Hair - Alex (SaNaRae January)
Dress: :::Sn@tch - Joy Mini Dress
Eyes: adoness : bestia : eyes : darkV sand sour cherry (Gothic Garage Sale)
Hand Jewellery: Elle Boutique - Adoria Bracelets (The Underdog Event)
Necklaces and Earrings: Elle Boutique - Adoria Set (The Underdog Event)
Ring: Gable - Spider Ring (The Underdog Event Mid-Event Gift)
Eyeshadow: *Booty's Beauty* Omega Eyeshadow ~ Jupiter Hud
Lipstick: *Booty's Beauty* Omega Lipstick ~ Trust Me Hud
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