Dude, Where's My Van?

Sssssh!  Don't tell him about the fate of his van.  He deserved it.  Trust me.  And, anyway, doesn't it look awesome as a little beach bar?  Yes, I think so too!

This cool Kombi Bar set with the stools is from the awesome CHEZ MOI.  It has up to 49 animations in the PG version and 109 in the Adult one.  You can even tend bar should you wish to.

There is also a hud so you can change the colour for your Kombi Bar.  There are 11 colours to choose from so there should be one that goes with other decor!  Race on over to Tres Chic and check it out for yourself.  Careful if you are driving!

The funky Bungalow Beach Shower from NAUGHTYbits is available at Boardwalk and has great over 80 great showering animations for men, women and cuddling couples and adult couples.  Perfect for sobering up after you have sampled the wares at the Kombi Bar!

In this picture you can also see some cool beach fences from Shutter Field.  These are the Driftwood ones and they look fab dotted around your beach!


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