Swans a Swimming

This outfit is not sensible for the snow, but it is kick-butt awesome, so here we are.  I am loving the bright pink!  HOT!

The boots are awesome too.  Wicca's Originals of course. You can pick them up at the Fetish Fair.  Loving them!

Also loving all of the snow-clad sims at present.  So pretty!

Outfit:  1 Hundred. - Adored Mini. Pink (SWANK)

Boots:  Wicca's Originals - Ayda Boots (Fetish Fair)

Jewellery:  !IT! - 1st Snow Necklace 2 (Twe12ve)

Pose:  Le Poppycock - *Painkiller* Pack B

Hair:  .Olive. - the Merry *Beta* Hair (Saturday Sale)

Sim:  Where Our Journey Begins


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