Breakfast Spot

I have found just the right place to eat my breakfast.  Also you may note that this table is set for 2 but that is not accurate.  All of the cinnamon scrolls are for me.  ME!  I just do it this way to not look so piggy.

It is now the 21st of April and that means that SWANK only has a few more days before this round ends and the next gets set up for May.  Today I have a cool item from this event from Enchanted Fantasy.

I am also showing you some gorgeousness from CHEZ MOI!

Enchanted Fantasy - You're a Star! ~ Hollywood Star Light 2 (SWANK)

CHEZ MOI - Honeycomb Shelves Light (Tres Chic)

CHEZ MOI - Tribe Breakfast Set (4 Seasons Event)

Thaino Designs - Tulip Trio, Lousie wheel plantar, Pansy trio (SWANK)


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