Hot Night

It is a sticky, hot night here in SL which is quite a contrast to my RL where it is currently -4C and the fire is going.

Today I am doing that thing I said I wouldn't do:  I am showing fashion and home & garden together.  It just worked out that I needed a pretty scene to show off this outfit in and I had this one just sitting in my inventory waiting to be blogged.  

So, I mixed them and it worked!  Sue me.

Blueberry Patch - Daisy Patch Serenity-C/M~ AVSits (SWANK)

Outfit:  GGVG -  Adele Short and Top (SWANK)

Pose:  {NANTRA} Woodstock Bound (Vintage Fair)

Skin:  [7 Deadly Skins] - BODY 2020 HIGH bom skin CARAMEL (Vanity)

Hair:  . Doe . Floret . Flux 

Shoes:  REIGN.- Stella Platforms


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