This is my current mood. Now, for a lot of you this will seem very peaceful, but if you think that then you do not live in Aryaland. In Aryaland this sign, this way around is more offensive. I am feeling grumpy. I am worried about our world. So much going on. I am just glad I have SL to escape to. No seas are burning here. No high temperatures causing fires. It all worries me and I get angry at businesses and corporations that don't care. This pic is for them.
Dress: "Off-Line" x "Piper" Dress / Spring (Thirsty Event)
Pose: OG. - Out (Thirsty Event)
Skin: [7 Deadly Skins] - BODY 2020 MOOD bom skin CARAMEL (Pretty)
Hair: Foxy - Gemini Hair (Blond)
Heels: Spoiled - Dagger Heels Onyx
Backdrop: .PALETO.Backdrop:.- Shinjuku Street
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