Sounds of Water

I am in love with this Trompe Loeil build.  I have been wanting to blog it for a week or two but have been super busy and wanted to give it the love it deserves.  I mean...LOOK AT IT.

I have transitioned it from a summer retreat to a more autumny vibe by throwing some lilypads into the water, but you can swim in the pool if you wish.  It has great swimming and relaxing animations for you.  In SL you can decide when summer is over.

Trompe Loeil - Benicia Bar & Pool

Little Branch - Cypress Oak.v1{Animated}4Seasons

Nutmeg. - Outdoor Bench and Planters, Mint Ice Tea Set, Hose Pot

Ariskea - Succulent Moss Stone Pot, Strawberry terra cotta

Botanical - Waterlily Cluster


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