Sand, Sea, and Swimwear

Yes, I know I am on a beach again, but I have swimwear to blog and if I do a pool scene I have to create it at home and I just ain't got time for that.  Well, I do have time, but I do not have the inclination!


I am blogging this awesome set from LUXE Paris called Popsicle and in hindsight I should have had a pose with a popsicle, but this pose just looked fab so I went with it.  Don't judge!

Outfit:  LUXE Paris - POPSCICLE Bikini Hat and Sandals V2

Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins - BODY 2020 MONIQUE  bom skin CARAMEL

Pose: {NANTRA} - Beach Illustrated 2022 

Hair:  TRUTH - Sunny - Blonde

Sim:  Half Moon Bay


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