Not for Swimming

This bikini ensemble is not for swimming.  It is for looking glam on the beach or by the pool.  I mean, you could swim in it, but I am not risking it.  Why mess with this look?  Also I don't want to get my hair wet. I would end up a frizzy mess.

I will just sit here on the beach and then I will wander up to a local bar or cafe for a drink.  I have no desire to get covered in sand and salt.  The only salt I want is around the rim of my margarita glass.

Bikini:  [COSMOS] - Yvette Bikini Set Silk / 20 Colors Fatpack (SWANK)

Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins - BODY 2020 ALYVIA  bom skin CARAMEL

Hair:  CHAIN - Cailyn Hair - Blondes 

Pose/Hat - Amitie - Gipsy Festival 


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