I think I am in Canada. There is a maple leaf flag on the yacht behind me, so either I am in Canada or the yacht has sailed on in from Canada to wherever I am.
The shirt I am wearing is, however, called Alberta, so I am going to just go ahead and be in Canada today. Who says I am not?
Both the shirt and jeans are from Hawker's House and I am wearing the Alberta shirt in Bubblegum. The jeans are Bell Bottom Jeans Cambray and I am liking the loose look. They were together in the pack which is at SWANK so is easy to whip over and demo the outfit for yourself.
In fact, get on over and do that pretty quick because the round ends very soon and you don't want to miss out on grabbing things all in one place rather than wandering the SL plain.
Shoes: [M E M E N T O] - LVX. Sneakers [KOS]
Hairbase: BRABOS - Todd Hairbase.
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