Bad Boy

I am not sure why he is a bad boy, but he has bound to have done something I disapprove of, so consider this a preemptive strike.  It was also a great way to show off this cool Man Shack from L'aize Dayz that is for the Anthony's Republic Fundraiser (more info on this tomorrow).

I have teamed it up with a few other bits and pieces so that Riley has something to do.  I would hate for him to have free time to go off and do whatever he does.  No, that just wouldn't do.

Tee and Shorts:  [SAKIDE] - Industrial Tee and Linen Summer Shorts (Sold separately @ Boys of Summer Event)
Hair:  ChiChickie - Reef (Hair Fair)
Boots:  Latreia - Caleb Brown (Boys of Summer)

"It's cold and scary out here.  Please let me back inside!"  Riley


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