Wrong Part of Town
I wandered into the wrong part of town today but, you may be glad to know, I survived. It was touch and go there for a bit but I am knowledgeable in the ways of 'deja fu' so I I knew I could defend myself if needed. Failing that I would just TP out...
I have a mish-mash of items to show today from all over but I am SUPER excited about the new hair shop I have discovered. YES, new hair and it is GOOD!
Jeans: 20.Five - Mustang Jeans (Part of an Outfit)
Shoes: Loordes of London - Messina Heels #25 (Feeb's)
Cardigan: -Sentinus- - Jenny Cardigan - Black (Feeb's)
Hair: NO.MATCH - NO_HUNT - Blondes Pack (New)
Lipstick: [KoKoLoReS] - Sweetheart Lipsticks #3 (New Release)
Nails: Dark Horse Style - Silver Leaves Nails (Feeb's)
Just wanted to show the back of the hair and shoes here...
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