Casual Wear
Went all arty today when I found this spot. Not sure the garb matches the venue but never mind.
Showing more items from Men Only Monthly today. Have you checked it out yet? Make sure you give these guys events your support so they continue.
Top: [ ExcellencE ] - Jacket - Torneo
Shorts: [ ExcellencE ] - Shorts - Iluzy
Poses: Image Essentials - Suit and Tie (Boys of Summer)
Hair: Wolf[Fram] - Silk Job
Shape: Clef de Peau - Taylor
Showing more items from Men Only Monthly today. Have you checked it out yet? Make sure you give these guys events your support so they continue.
Top: [ ExcellencE ] - Jacket - Torneo
Shorts: [ ExcellencE ] - Shorts - Iluzy
Poses: Image Essentials - Suit and Tie (Boys of Summer)
Hair: Wolf[Fram] - Silk Job
Shape: Clef de Peau - Taylor
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