Lurking with No Intent

Ever have those days where you just feel like leaning against something and not moving?  No?  Just me then.  Today was a lurking about day with no intent to do anything.  Just leaning mostly.  Feels good in the sun and what else is there to do?

Arya will be pleased I have my hat on.  That is all.

Oh, and if she asks if you have seen me tell her I was last seen racing around crazily being very productive.

All of these items are from Men Only Monthly.  Awesome round.

Hat/Hair:  C.A.M.O. X Drot - OTAKU Hat x Hair
Tank:  Contrax. - M.O.M Tank - Striped Grey
Shorts:  RIOT / Simon Shorts
Pose:  XXY - The wait
Tattoo:  DAPPA - Yeon Tattoo.


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