Rez Day BBQ

I managed to convince Tyson to come over for my Rez Day BBQ and I am glad I did.  To be honest he didn't take much convincing and he was the one who suggested we do something.  I am not sure he meant pose for photos for this post, but it all worked out well in the end and we had fun and got stuff done at the same time.  *BLUSH* And when I say 'stuff' I mean this post.  Bad reader!

I am now officially 9 years old in SL and I can not believe I am still about.  I will admit that I have days when I am ready to leave, but they are mostly when I have had knockbacks like being turned down for blogging stores or events, or ejected from groups due to 'downsizing'.  It hurts, but I plough on because I love it and I am proud of what I do.  Thanks for sticking with me.

But now to the work side... Oh, and Ty and I will show off the clothes separately as they are too great to get all mixed in and lost.

The amazing Barbecue Party set and Kombi Bed are from *CHEZ MOI* but at different events.

The Barbecue Party set with the awesome BBQ and picnic table with accessories both come with poses that range from those for the singles to a bit of romance and then right up to totally unhygienic (if you get my meaning). You can grab this at the new round of Tres Chic.

The Kombi Bed comes in 3 Colours and are adult.  That means you have poses for the boys and girls separately, some fab family poses or poses for when the kids are asleep.  Giggle.  Wander on over to Cosmopolitan to try these out...G Rated please!


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