Beware of the Deer

People think you have to watch out for bears and moose and bigfoot in the woods, but do not be fooled.  It is the deer you must be wary of.  Trust not the deer.  You have be warned!

While you keep an eye on those two doe-eyed Bambi, you can at least sit by the fire and enjoy a cup of coffee.  Keep a stick handy though!

This Rocks Campfire Set is from GOOSE.  It is for the current round of Cosmopolitan and comes with all sorts of great sits and animations.  There are sits for singles, for those who want to cuddle and for those lovers out there.

The cushions are colour change too, so you can make them look exactly the way you want them. You can go grab the set at Cosmopolitan but you can also try it out at Best of SL Boulevard where I have it all set up.

The evil deer (okay, maybe they aren't) are from Unorthodox Underworld.


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