By Any Other Name

What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;

I am not sure William was right on this subject.  I believe names have power and today this chick is looking very powerful.  Don't look her in the eyes.

Headchain:  !The Little Bat - Diana's Headchain (Dark Side 4)
Choker:  .:Short Leash:. Sugar's Collar *(DS4)
Outfit, Boots and Gloves:  sass - [phoebe] (DS4)
Tattoo:  BodyCult Tattoo - Mysterious Passion FB1131 (DS4)
Hair:  #Besom ~ Avenue  (Saturday Sale)
Photo Booth:  FOXCITY. - Photo Booth - Limitless (Saturday Sale)
Pose:  FOXCITY. - Detached Bento Pose Set (Saturday Sale)


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