Coffee and a Walk

I am feeling relaxed today.  I just wanted a walk and then I found this awesome dog and he just wanted some pats and someone to walk about this lovely sim with.  I have named him Kevin.  Kevin likes treats and pats.

Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins - ZELLA omega FACE&BODY butter (Dubai Event)
Necklace:  ::After Midnight Fashion:: Wicked Grin Necklace (Fable)
Nails:  {WitchCraft} - Midnight Original Mesh nails & Polish
Hair:  Astrology: Kara Revival ~ Essentials (Saturday Sale)
Outfit:  Meva - August Doreen Set (Cosmopolitan)
Pose:  [KoKoLoReS] - Coffee Break
Shoes:  Bliensen + MaiTai - Angelic Sneakers (On9)


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