How Do I Look?

Dear Males,

If a female partner or friend asks you the question, "How do I look?" please think carefully before answering.  It is a very loaded question.  Look at them. Get them to turn around and then say one of the following statements:

  • You look amazing!
  • That looks so good on you.
  • I don't know about that colour on you.
  • I liked the other (insert item name here) on you.
  • I am not sure about it.  What do you think?
  • I love that colour on you, but I am not sure about the style of it.
Never say one of the following:
  • That makes you look fat.
  • My mum has a (insert item name here) just like that.
  • You won't wear that when you are with me, right?
Outfit:  Meva - Angela Skirt and Top, Milena Necklace Silver (Cosmopolitan)
Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins - SIBERIA omega FACE&BODY caramel (Sense Event)
Hair:  Lamb. - Wildflower - Light Blonde Pack (Saturday Sale)
Photo Booth:  FOXCITY. - Photo Booth - #MyWardrobe


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