I Will Dance

Today is a tease.  I am showing you clothing, but I am also showing you the items behind me.  However, I am not going to tell you anything about them, where they come from or where you can find them until later today.  You are going to have to be patient.

I am also going to tell you some fab news later on too. Gosh, this is fun.  I should do this sort of thing more often.

In the meantime I will dance like it is the 20's.  Oh...wait...it is!

Pose:  {NANTRA} - Roaring (20)20s (The Liaison Collaborative)
Skin:  7 Deadly s[K]ins - MUSIC omega FACE&BODY apricot (Designer Circle)
Outfit:  MOoH! - Nova outfit (Group Gift)
Slippers:  Moon. - Fuzzy Slippers
Hair:  Doe: Regina - Blondes (Sale)


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