Guard the Door

I was told to guard the door, so that is what I am doing.  I am not sure if I am guarding it against people trying to get into it or out of it and, honestly, I don't know if I am in or out either.  What is in there or what is out there?  Why does this door need my protection and what can I stop with two knives?  

Jacket and Bodysuit:  Meva -  June Calypso Set 

Mask:  +SEKAI+ - Face Mask - Black (Happy Weekend - 60L)

Hair: Sintiklia - Hair Talia - Light blondes (Happy Weekend - 60L)

Tattoo:  LYM - Mercy Me (Twe12ve)

Collar: [Orsini] - Sunny Collar 

Knives:  cinphul // a7mar [knife] 


Backdrop:  [AMBICE] - Inmerse Backdrop 

Pose:  Le Poppycock - *Fruit Juice* Pack B


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