Shoes Off
Whew! What a week! I have been crazy busy in dumb RL. But, here I am and I am ready to show you some fashion following a few home & garden posts!
With that said, I am heading to beach here in SL so I am taking off my shoes, ditching the jeans and getting bikini ready for a swim.
Outfit: [Anny's Fashion] - Gemma Pants and T-Shirt *all colors* (SWANK)
Skin: [7 Deadly Skins] - BODY 2020 DREA bom skin CARAMEL (Ritual)
Pose: FOXCITY. - Heatwave Bento Pose Set
Shoes: -KC- - Sara Heels
Hair: Sintiklia - Hair Olufemi - Light blondes
Sim: Nefeli
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