Taking a Walk on the Wild Side
This place has been reclaimed by nature and I am all for it. I am loving walking the streets and meeting animals and finding the buildings more beautiful with green everywhere. I really could live here. It is quiet and not peopley, there are animals roaming about, and the only cars are being consumed by ivy and plants. Perfect.
I even met a nice kitty cat on my travels. I wish there was a sign to say if he was safe or not...
Outfit: MOoH! - Akira outfit - Skirt, Top, Waist Jacket, Headphones, Band aid, Belt, Boots, Socks (The Secret Garden - A Next Up Event - Feb 1st - 28th)
Skin: [7 Deadly Skins] - BODY 2020 RECOVERY bom skin CARAMEL (Ritual - 2nd - 24th Feb)
Hair: MINA - Chiara Event Blonde
Backpack: AITUI - Bagged Boards - Tokyo
Pose: ::WetCat:: 'Rhythm' Female Set
Sim: Ravenport Reclaimed
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