
Feeling a bit stabby today.  Not that I actually would stab anyone.  I am a pacifist. Just feeling a bit 'grrr'.  Life eh?

Lucky for me I am looking good and enjoying being in this cool sim while I do the photo.  I am having a good look about while I am here.  Will probably find some more spots for pics!

Outfit:  Meva - Della Jacket and Skirt (Cosmopolitan)

Hair:  no.match ~ NO_ZEN ~ Pack of BLONDS

Eyeshadow:  . Augenweide - Augenblick 02 - EVOX&ADVX BOM eyeshadows 

Lipstick:  . Augenweide -  Lippenbekenntnis 11 EVOX&ADVX HD Lips 



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