In a Field of Dreams
Yeah, you know the scene when the doc gives up his chance to play ball with the team to save the kid's life? Chokes me up (excuse the pun) every time. Every. Single. Time. If you know what I am talking about, then you will know how hard it hits.
If you build it, they will come.
I am not allowed to build anything here since it is not my land or my sim, so I will just lean here awhile and imagine the baseball field. Yes, I know this is wheat and not corn, but the vibe is similar.
Been wearing this tee around SL the last few days. Is from Erotik at SWANK and I am loving the look. Was trying to find a real cool beard to go with, but didn't find anything I liked or could afford, so went with my LeLutka one.
Tee: EROTIK STORE - Damian TShirt Beard (SWANK)
Pants: [ ERAUQS ] - King Cargo Pants - 01
Scars: UNLEASH - scars face tatto // EVO X
Sim: Bryn Oh's Lobby Cam, Immersivist
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