Primfeed and Kale

Okay, I am ready to talk to you all now about the ongoing battle I have had with a certain photo sharing platform that has made my SL blogging a bit of a drama of late.  As the issues are still happening as of today, I will not name them, but you probably all know what I am talking about as so many other SL folk have had the same issues.  For the purposes of this blog post, I will call the platform 'Kale' and I think you know my feelings on that disgusting, tasteless garden weed.

I had typed up a long post of this story, but I actually don't want them to be the focus of this post so I will just say that I suspect that Kale just wants Second Life users gone as they are treating both free and paid account holders badly. Just my theory and not verified. 

Now, for the good news...

Luke Rowley, the developer of EasyBloggers, has seen all of the hassles people are having with Kale and has decided to do something about it. So, at the end of June he will be launching Primfeed which is a dedicated social media platform for Second Life users! This means that we can share photos of our Second Life world in a platform created by someone who understands and uses SL!

When a friend sent me the link to the website today I whooped out loud! My cats have not forgiven me yet.

So, what do we know so about Primfeed so far?

  1. There will be a free version and a paid version. 
  2. If you decide to go with the paid version you will be able to use Lindens to pay!
  3. The paid version will allow users to upload unlimited photos up to 8k resolution.
  4. You will be able to access Primfeed on all devices
  5. Primfeed will follow the same rules as the Maturity ratings from SL.
  6. No data will be collected apart from your Second Life name.
As yet, there is no information on what a free account will entail and Luke has stated on FB that these details have not been fully worked out yet but will be shared in the coming weeks.

He was also asked if the release at the end of June will be a beta or full release.  Luke's answer was, "I expect and aim for a stable release available for everyone by the end of June (Not all planned features will be available at launch)."

Some people seemed concerned with the 8k photos leading to a slow site, but Luke seemed very confident that he had this all managed and that this would not be an issue. 

Luke would love to hear from users and has put a response form at the bottom of the website under the heading 'Participate to the Development'.  Just press the black 'Share my Feedback' button and you can share your thoughts on Primfeed!  

This is a great opportunity to have your say before the proverbial doors are opened, and as he states at the top of the Primfeed website, this platform is "Made for Second Life™ residents, by a resident."

I am super excited for the Primfeed release and will be following the conversations about it with great interest.  I will keep you updated on any new information and developments. 

NOTE:  Primfeed logo used with permission of Luke Rowley. 


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