The whole thing (gestures vaguely) is all getting a bit much at the mo and so I would like to retreat to this little scene for a while to just get away from it all.
Of course, when I say, "it all", I mostly mean people who are, at this time of the year especially, being all...peopley. The older I get, the more I understand the Grinch who retreated to his mountaintop with his dog.
The items you will see today are all at SWANK and there are so many amazing items in this one photo that I hope you will make sure you race over to the event to see them all for reals!
SUNRISE - Winter Water Well & Stag
:FNY: - Douglas Fir Tree Set
Enchanted Fantasy - Winter Forest Trees Baubles Leaves & Lights Silver
Esoterica - Romance in the Park Trees, Winter Freeze Fountain with Benches
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