Indoor Outdoor Flow

I am getting geared up for spring and looking at a house change and sorting my outdoor living and backyard. I am loving this look with a variety of items from around SL. It is a great time to get on out and visit stores and events to support our amazing designers. 

1. Trompe Loeil - Esme Modern Cabin - This cute cabin is perfect for those of use with limited space and no need for loads of rooms. It comes with this version and one that is open-plan inside. I love the little built in garden area and there is a fab patio area around the back too. You can grab this at Fameshed, but don't dilly dally as this round finishes soon. 

2. CHEZ MOI - Verona Patio Set - Just in time for some spring redecorating comes this patio set which you can find over at Cosmopolitan. It has a colour change hud, loads of great animations for sitting, passing the time, chatting or having fun times, as well as self-attach items so you can enjoy a drink, get some blogging done, or partake in a snack or two.

3. [QE Home] - Naturals Plant Collection -Ada- - I am in love with the [QE Home] plant collections and this one does not disappoint! It comes with the three plants shown and the stand. You can change the colour of the pots and the leaves with a touch of a button which makes them great for matching to any scene. Go check them out at the [QE Home] mainstore.


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